Cheers to Cindy Sheehan, camped out near the Bush ranch in Texas. Her son was killed in Bush's Iraq invasion and she is mad about it, justifiably so. Bush, of course, did what he does so often when things get rough, he went on vacation, five weeks this time. Still, he has no problem sending kids to their death so that his pals can make a lot of no-bid contract money from rebuilding the damage we have done during our invasion there. The day I believe that he really thinks Iraq is a noble cause is the day he asks his daughters Barbara and Jenna to enlist. Right. Bush skippped out on his military duties, like most of his administration of chicken-hawks who did not serve. But they don't mind sending our kids to die in a country that didn't do a thing to us.

Cheers to THE BEAT (17th and J Streets), Sacramento's best record store. They have a great selection of modern music and more in a clean and spacy but still cool and packed space. Tons of CDs and vinyl, new and used, and reasonable prices. They may not always be the cheapest but the prices are usually fair and the owner Rob is a nice guy, one of the few independent stores still remaining. Why give your hard-earned money to Wherehouse, Sam Goody, or some other corporate conglomerate. Support your local business and shop a great store at the same time.

Cheers to Costco, the warehouse retailer. Imagine this: They pay good wages and provide health insurance to almost all their employees! Unlike Sams Club/Walmart who only care about making a profit for their stockholders. Vote with your pocketbook, shop at Costco instead of those other greedy, uncaring creeps. Read more about it here.

Cheers to IKEA. What do I know about furniture, housewares, and all that stuff? And who cares? All I know is that whenever I go to a furniture store I am turned off by about 98% of what I see. It's all old, clunky, boring, supposedly fancy relics that look like they were made about 50 or more years ago. And they cost a fortune! That's what makes IKEA such a great store. It's all very affordable, almost all contemporary, and just the coolest stuff. Modern, efficient, priced right, what's not to like?

Cheers to my wonderful wife Petra B. She is the most important thing to happen to me in my adult life. I am lucky and thankful. She has a cool web site too. Check it out: