Hi, nice of you to stop by! But you know, this whole blogging thing is more fun when you leave me a comment, telling me you’ve read a post or agree or disagree with me. Or whatever else you want to contribute.

Now, I know what you are thinking. HOW? Easy. So easy. So many ways.

1) Click on the title of any post and it will take you to a special page just for that post. On that page there will be a box to leave a comment below the text.
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2) On the main page, at the bottom of each separate post you will see “No comments” or maybe “1 comment” or some other number. Click on that wording and it will take you to a comment box.
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3) You can also leave a comment about a page (as oppposed to a comment about a post). Use the “Pages” menu on the far right to go to the various pages. At the bottom of each page (except the home page) will be a comment box.

Easy. So easy.

Notice: The first time you write a comment it may take a while for your comment to show up. I need to first check to make sure you’re not a spammer or some other evil-doer. The times after that, your comment should show up much quicker.

And another thing related to comments, on the right hand side of this page there is a “Recent Comments” section. That will list the most recent comments.

Thank you 10,000 bunches for stopping by. Let me know what you think, OK? And was this post helpful? Any other questions about comments?