Category: Work

Work: Things I Will Miss – Part 1

George Harrison once wrote a song called “All Things Must Pass”. And so it is true. After a very lengthy career, it turns out that I will be retiring later in the year (and there was much rejoicing!). I am SO looking forward to it, but of course after all these years there are some things I will miss. This series of posts will mention a few of those items.

First, though not necessarily most important, is the view from my office. Click on the picture to see it larger. Now, tell me, is that a great view? There was even a rainbow the day I took this photo. And that’s just one direction! I am in a corner office (ok, cubicle) so there’s a great view to the side too. But this view is the best. Somewhere out that direction is my house, see if you can spot it!

Don’t get me wrong, I do like my job most of the time. But enough is enough. It’s time to move into another phase of my life, one with more free time. But I sure will miss that view!  😉

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A Day Of Service On MLK Day

President-elect Obama has asked us all to step up to the plate and do something to make this world a better place. He asked us that today, on the Martin Luther King holiday, that we volunteer to do something useful for our community and country. With a mild and appreciated nudge from my wife Petra, we volunteered to work the morning at raft, a local non-profit group that provides very low cost materials for teachers. Check out their web site here.

We helped cut stickers for material packs for teachers. A menial task, sure, but helpful to teachers. And teachers are one of the most useful and underappreciated groups in our country. We can only be great if our people make intelligent choices. The smarter our young people become, the better our country will become.

Another way to serve: Treat your fellow human beings with respect and caring. Make sure that everyone has equal rights and equal opportunity. We can only be a good as the way we treat our weakest and poorest. When you raise their level, everyone above it becomes better too. We are a country for ALL the people. As the richest country on earth we can and should include everyone.
