Some of you miss the old blogging style, where I told you in some detail about my boring yet fascinating life. We can look back and squeal with delight at Stevenology 1.0 and the diary that it sometimes was. Or not. But one thing that is missing was the personal information. Or, as many readers say, “Just what is Steven up to these days?”

So, lets get up to date about the grandkids, Josephine, Jasmine, and Raziel. As you know, we don’t see them much due to some, shall we say, issues with their parents. That is one word for it. But anyway, we saw the kids last weekend for a few hours at their new house and it was a fairly pleasant visit. The kids were really happy to see us, especially the girls, who have spent so much time with us in the past. Hopefully they will again in the future.

Their house is nice, with a yard and bedrooms for each child. Here’s a weird coincidence – it is on the very same street that I lived on the first year or two after I was born, back when dinosaurs roamed the earth.  But I digress. Josephine gave us some pictures that she had drawn. Jasmine is more independent but was glad to see us too. And Raziel is in his own world but he seemed to like us being there. As a complete surprise to us, the parents also invited us to the back-to-school night at the girls’ school. That was this past Wednesday the 24th and we went. Of course we went! We got to meet both teachers and talk to them, and also to see the elementary school. Things went fine and even though it was a focused and short visit we were happy to see them and the feeling was mutual.

Hopefully we will see them again in the near furture… 😉