Burn After ReadingIf you have an open mind and enjoy some dark and quirky humor, then you will really like this movie. I really did! The performances are great all around, the script is wild and funny, the pace is quick with lots of twists, and I was laughing out loud and loving this film. Maybe it is not for everyone. But nothing is, right?

Here is the Rotten Tomatoes page, where it currently has a very good 78% rating. And here is the official web site, check it out. This Coen Brothers film is in a league with The Big Lebowski and Fargo, and that means it is really good. If you didn’t like those then you might not like this. But then what the $%^& is wrong with you? 😉  Ha, just kidding…

More info and lots of video trailers to watch are here on the IMDB site, another great movie site. I’m just saying’, go see it if you like something a little out of the ordinary. It was really good! Have you already seen it? Let me know what you thought, leave a comment.