When I die, this is one of the songs that I want played at my funeral. “It’s a Dead Man’s Party, who could ask for more”? That’s right, today’s Terrific Tune video is “Dead Man’s Party” by new-wavers Oingo Boingo (learn more, web site), a great band that was led by now-film-composer Danny Elfman. They were first known as the Mystic Knights Of The Oingo Boingo, then Oingo Boingo, then Boingo, and then, well, they were gone. Too soon. I’d love for them to get back together but:

From Wikipedia: In early 2007, Danny Elfman said there would not be a reunion. He has irreversible hearing loss and is worried that playing live would exacerbate it. He stated that some other members of the band may also suffer from the condition.

I still say they could make an album in the studio, no need to play live. But that’s not going to happen either. Sigh. Anyway, this video and song is from their fourth album. That’s not necessarily my favorite album of theirs but this song is one that always satisfies (and usually gets the volume turned up). Check it out!

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