Obama in 08Why Obama is better than McCain. Here are some reasons. I’m sure there are plenty more. Stay tuned and remember to Vote for Obama in 08

Obama is pro-choice, like most of the country. McCain is not.

Obama wants a phased withdrawal from our deadly mistake of the Iraq war. McCain is fine with “100 years” in Iraq. Note that the Iraqi government wants us out too.

Obama wants to engage in direct talks with Iran, McCain sings and jokes about “Bomb, Bomb, Bomb Iran”.

Obama believes in a moderate level of gun control, such as controlling assault weapons and concealed weapons. McCain does not.

Obama believes health care should be provided for all, the way nearly every other country in the world does. McCain does not.

Obama voted against invading Iraq. McCain voted for the war.

Obama is pro-union and pro-worker.

McCain supports vouchers so our taxes can help schools teach religion. Obama opposes vouchers

McCain wants to drill everywhere, all the time. Obama realizes that we need to get off the oil and the sooner the better.

Obama consistently supports alternate forms of energy. McCain usually opposes.

Obama believes in trying to talk to our enemies first. McCain believes that attacking without being attacked first is ok, as we did in Iraq.

Obama believes in habeus corpus and fair trials for detainees. McCain voted no.

Obama will at least consider medicinal marijuana laws to ease pain and suffering. McCain will not.

Obama voted against the flawed, so-called Patriot Act but voted for some compromises. He wants to strengthen civil liberty protections. McCain has supported the Act and it’s most far-reaching provisions.

Obama opposes privatizing Social Security. McCain supports it.

Obama knows the ecomony is in trouble. McCain claims it is sound.

Obama supports stem-cell research, McCain only partially supports (not new lines)

Obama supports tax breaks for lower and middle class Americans. McCain supports continuing Bush’s giveaways to the wealthy and corporate.

Obama’s message is change and hope. McCain voted with Bush 95% of the time. Nuff said.

Obama worked in his communites to help poor and struggling people. McCain doesn’t even know how many houses he owns.

That last item might be enough all by itself!

Don’t forget to vote for Obama in 08