Ed Kowal

Note: This was also posted at www.sacmusicblog.com

Back in the day (the 90’s day), Ed Kowalczyk and his band Live were huge stars in the rock world. Their album Throwing Copper was a mega-hit with a bunch of singles, and other subsequent albums spawned more hits. But things always change and bands argue and split up. In Live’s case it was not a clean split, but it seems that Ed has come out ok. He has since released two solo albums and an EP.

He was in Sacramento recently in support of his new album The Flood And The Mercy, but also here to showcase the songs of his career in a solo, acoustic setting at The Assembly, Sacramento’s new and really nice club downtown. Ed played and sang songs ranging from the earliest Live albums to his latest solo album and with plenty in between. Pictures and video from the show, after the “read more”…