I’m getting closer and closer to retirement. Yes, I am counting the days and I have a rough idea of the hours. Hope I don’t change my mind. Yeah, right!!

One more thing I will miss from work is having two monitors. Both are hooked up to the same computer. If you haven’t had this setup, you might think “why would you want it?”. But once you have it, you realize it is very cool. You can make code changes in one monitor and then view the changes in the other. And no more switching back and worth between programs. You can multi-task with any two things you want to do. Seriously, it is a good thing. Of course, I could have this at home if I really wanted it, but remember, I’ll be on a “fixed income”.  😉

Hey, wait a minute. What’s that on the right monitor? Yes! It is! It’s www.stevenology.com. Readers who click on the picture may also notice the Sgt Peppers mouse pad and the peace magnet and the Beat record store magnet. Not to mention the general messiness of the cubicle. What can I say, I’m half-packed and getting out of here!

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