Is this the last in the series? Maybe. After all, I have officially retired. And not a moment too soon as our idiot governor has decided that all state workers will get paid the federal minimum wage ($7.25/hr). Don’t get me started on that egotistical, bullying chowderhead. That was the nicest thing I could call him, he deserves much worse.

But anyway, I have more things I will miss and may even think of more down the road, but here are some:

My RDO – I used to get every other Friday off, because I worked an extra hour on each of the other days. It works out to the same number of hours but a better schedule makes a happier and more productive employee. Of course, now every day is a day off.

The stairs – Huh? Well, I used to work on the 11th floor and took the stairs whenever possible. Good exercise, right? Hmmm, but now that I am retired I can go to the gym whenever I want, especially when it’s not crowded (like the day before yesterday). Bye bye stairs.

Teleworking – I used to be able to work from home most Wednesdays. And most of the time I was more productive because I had very few interruptions and phone calls. Now, I get to be home but don’t have too worry about that annoying “work” part.

Restaurants – When I was working downtown there were hundreds of restaurants that I could go to for lunch if I wanted. The ironic thing, I rarely did it. It’s much cheaper to bring some food from home. But every once in a while…

Being downtown – Sometimes on my break or lunch I would take a walk. Maybe down the K Street mall or (even better) over to Capitol Park and around the capitol building, that was really nice. Or just a little bit of midtown. I loved walking around down there and seeing things. You know, when you drive you miss so much. But hey, I can still go there! And without that “gotta get back to work” thing hanging over my head.

The big library of computer books in our unit – Yeah it was nice, but I can always use “the Google”. ‘;-)

And I will miss some of the people, but I already said that one a few posts ago…

Other things I will miss

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